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high-intensity magnetic separation中文是什么意思

用"high-intensity magnetic separation"造句"high-intensity magnetic separation"怎么读"high-intensity magnetic separation" in a sentence


  • 强磁场磁选


  • The test results show that the whiteness of high - grade grammite powder can be increas4ed from 72 to 84 by using single high - intensity magnetic separation , and the one of low - grade grammite powder containing carbonaceous materials from 62 to about 81 by using the hims - airflow pulverising - flotation flowsheet
    试验结果表明,采用单一强磁选方法可将硅灰石富矿粉的白度由72提高到84 ;采用强磁选-气流粉碎-浮选新工艺可将含碳质物的硅灰石贫矿粉的白度由62提高到81左右。
用"high-intensity magnetic separation"造句  
high-intensity magnetic separation的中文翻译,high-intensity magnetic separation是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译high-intensity magnetic separation,high-intensity magnetic separation的中文意思,high-intensity magnetic separation的中文high-intensity magnetic separation in Chinesehigh-intensity magnetic separation的中文high-intensity magnetic separation怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。